ECUSA on its way out of Anglican Communion?

Episcopal Bishops in U.S. Defy Anglican Communion

I love how the bishops say "We cannot accept what would be injurious to this Church and could well lead to its permanent division." As if the election of a gay bishop DIDN'T do this? It's silly...the liberals are driving this agenda and any complaints from traditionalists are viewed as divisive even while they go on pontificating and forcing their watered down gospel shamelessly saying, "If that means that others reject us and communion with us, as some have already done, we must with great regret and sorrow accept their decision."

Yeah sure. Regret and sorrow that ignorant traditionalists cannot see the light.

Now...check this little blurb out: "The small yet affluent Episcopal Church, with 2.3 million members, covers a significant chunk of the Anglican Communion's budget." THIS is the motivation for them to reconcile with the ECUSA? I could be wrong, but I am willing to bet that most African Bishops (Tutu excluded, who I suppose ought to move to ECUSA) don't give a rat's sphincter for American dollars as compared to Anglican orthodoxy (as they understand it). We'll see...but thinking of that controversial image at the last Lambeth while I was apart of the ECUSA when an African Bishop was trying to cast the demon out of a gay clergyman he was arguing with speaks volumes.

I suppose it's the train wreck phenomena here, but I can't help but watch. Let's keep the doors open...


Munkee said…'s TEC.

You went to Lambeth?? Didn't know they let the charismatics in.
Rick said…
You miss the really interesting issue here. In places where there is religious freedom is there any force to keep the Church unified?

Clearly, the with respect to Protestant denominations that is not so. I have heard various Orthodox congratulating themselves that they are not like them. However, we have a split heirarchy with various foreign rulers. Isn't this just the same problem only in a more primitive form? There are already starting to be differences in practice between the various dioceses.

fdj said…
Aaron, TEC?

No, I didn't mean I went to Lambeth. I fixed the syntax error.

Rick...actually I encourage further division and schism in Protestant is altogether appropriate. The Anglicans should certain excommunicate the heretics in the ECUSA (TEC? What's the diff?).
Munkee said…
Well, they once were PECUSA, then became ECUSA, and today they are TEC. I didn't change the name, ask them what the difference is mate.
Anonymous said…
Amen Bro. Patrick! Amen. Look to the differences in WHAT we argue about. Not the mere fact that we argue.


This post brought to you by the letters MQLJOK in a lovley drunken cursive script with no connecting pen strokes.
Rick said…
Actually, my point was missed entirely. Orthodox triumphalism aside, the same forces that cause the splits in the Protestants are at work on the Orthodox. Further, the weird divisions by ethnicity in the Church add to these forces.

On the other hand, maybe we should just stick to that "I thank God, I am not like them." thing as it worked so well for the Pharisee.

fdj said…

You are hardcore Rick.

However, though I skirt the cliffs leading to hell, yes thank God I am no longer a part of a group where I have to explain to my daughter that despite what her bishop says and does SHE ought not to live with her boyfriend.
fdj said…

I didn't realize they had an official name change...but it makes sense, they certainly would not want USA in their official name :)

However, they've neglected to change their domain name.
Anonymous said…
what forces, Rick?

Munkee said…
Http:// seems to reflect the change pretty clearly to me. They may have redirect set on the old one, but the new site refers to itself only The Episcopal Church.

We should open a PI firm together.
fdj said…
Yeah I disagree least enough to say that it is not ALWAYS the same forces. Sometimes...maybe even often times...but certainly not always.

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