A hero of LIBERTY!

A Hero for Liberty!

Alex McPherson 2012!!!

Noted Professor of Molecular Biology at UCI risks job by refusing "Sexual Harassment" Training.

I love it! Having been subjected to my fair share of politically correct thought police training by the state I truly honor this man. He is braver than I am. Make sure you read some of the PDF emails to get a better understanding of his argument:

The state has no right whatsoever, in my view, to inflict its narrow political, social, and cultural proclivities on me, an individual. This sexual harassment edict is a blunt political act and I will not be subject to their will. This edict is an offense to my sensibilities. It calls into question my character, my reputation, and my intelligence. My greatest amazement is that so few of my colleagues at UCI and at other campuses have not spoken out against this offense. What is next? Kneel and kiss the ring of the State Assembly leader? Political reeducation camp?

Why, precisely, is it essential that I be trained in sexual harassment and not in, say embezzlement or grand theft auto where I certainly have equal opportunity to go astray?

And this is classic: "We Scots are very stubborn in matters of this sort."

Look, this may perhaps seem trite, but this PC reeducation crap is just going to get worse and worse. It is already out of control and IS an offense to our character, our reputation, our intelligence, our values, and our freedom. So three cheers for Professor McPherson! May he be the first of many to put their feet down and say enough. Sadly, I won't be one of them...like a good coward I'll just grumble and ask demeaning questions of the reeducation camp teacher.


Matt said…
I only had the misfortune of sitting through one of these trainings. When it was over a woman in the class with me said, "Wow. Stuff like this makes me glad I'm not a man."
Anonymous said…
I've sat thru my fair share of these. Usually about every 6 mos at the major corporations I've worked at. When you really got down to it, the reason they were doing it was because they didn't want to get sued, and if they were sued, they could point to these reeducation classes so the lawyers would go sniffing elsewhere for damages. I didn't like them, but I always figured it was the lawyers and the "risk mitigation experts" who were to blame. The classic line I heard during one session was about holding a door open for someone from the opposite sex....the response went something like this: "If the person would consider that sexist and offensive, then you shouldn't do it; but if you hold the door open for someone from the same sex, and not someone from the opposite sex, that could be considered sexist and offensive, too, by the person you didn't hold the door open for. . ." It was, of course, completely absurd, but there you go. . .

Liz in Seattle said…
You've heard this before, James, but my favorite quip comes from my dear husband.

HR rep: "Do you think that men and women are equal?"

Husband-o-mine: "Patently not."

And besides, "Sexual Harassment Training"? What's that about? Teaching you how to sexually harass someone?

I like the door holding bit. If you do all that, somebody's going to get hit in the nose by a swinging door...
Anonymous said…
Erin go bragh. I know he's a Scot, but damn it, close enough.

Gary Patrick McGinnis
Anonymous said…
They may take our lives, but they'll NEVER take our FREEDOM.

Sitting through the sessions and dutifully regurgitating the required responses is easy. What's fun is telling the facilitator, "You look really cute in that dress" and then laughing on the way out!

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