The Dormition...the birthgiver of God is born (by Christ) to Eternal Life

Today we celebrate the repose and assumption of Mary...our glorious Lady and Mother. There has been too much death in connection with my world lately (I just learned that a dear friend - more like a borther - to my wife has a serious form of bladder cancer) and today we once again see the promise of LIFE. Fitting that Clifton and Anna have indeed brought forth new life. Chance has finished his heartfelt post on his experiences with our Lady, and Aaron offers an equally heartfelt comment in which he mentions (almost lamentingly, perhaps Aaron?) in regards to the Thetokos: "i haven't had any sort of profound interaction."

My first profound interaction happened during Nativity, a year before I was to be received into the Church, while I was watching my wife nurse our two day old son. Christmas tree was gleaming, my wife was relaxing, the room was dark save for the tree and our recently purchased vigil lamp which illumined Christ and the Theotokos nearby, a newborn goodness you can see the course I could be headed on.

God in the flesh, God in the Flesh...I looked at the Nativity Icon (centered between icons of Mother and Son) and in it I could see Joseph sitting and pondering the whole situation. So was I now...imagine for a moment: GOD, the creator, in the flesh being nursed by the created. As I watched my wife and son I was moved to tears - not a simple thing for me. My God, how profound! She - MARY - gave LIFE to Him who IS LIFE!

After my wife went to bed, I approached her icon and quietly sang:

"Rejoice O virgin Theotokos
Mary full of grace, the Lord is with you.
Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb
for you have born, for you have born
You have born the savior of our souls."

For me, it was amazing. I am still moved - to varying degrees - when I see her icon. So, your wife and soon to arrive son. Contemplate and ponder it all as the Scriptures tells us Mary did. Imagine and wonder.


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