People Searching....and found ME

Sorry, but I just find this fascinating and funny. The following searches were made and led people to direct their internet browser to my humble little niche of the electronic world. My comments follow each one.

hilltop strip club

mcdonald commercials and sayings
I'm hurt, truly hurt.

james ferrenberg
Who keeps looking for ME?!?!?! I'm right here!

eastern orthodoxy sucks
Of course it does, can't you see how much I think it sucks???

washington state stripper male club
My second job.

"joseph skyward"
I have no idea who this is.

"intentional community" "elves"
Well of course, these two fit together likes peas and carrots

Russian Pedophilia
I hear Russian pedophilliacs are simply the BEST!

calvary chapel bitmaps
Check the "files" section on my page...maybe you'll find them there.

repair-remodel sayings
Mine usually include cuss words.

icons that say saint james
Aren't you supposed to call your priest if your icons start talking?

how to locate somone in Syria
By visiting James Ferrenberg's Blog, that's how.

Anyone know?

SUV cunsumption
Remember when Klinger tried to eat a Jeep?

"casey treat" freak
Nuff said.

how to know if you are destined to be successful
I use a Magic 8 Ball myself.

Assay against gay marriages
I am guessing that this assay must be an ELISA.

orthodox washing bones with wine
Hey, I've got bones, can I substitute Beer and Bourbon?


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