The AHG Statement of Faith

You may read it Here.

In the comments to the previous post, I was asked to explain what I found in the American Heritage Girls SOF which prevented me from allowing my daughters to be a part of their orginization.

Well Basil and Huw pretty much covered what I would have said in the commenting. But I will offer a few additional details on my thinking. I might also add that I think Basil is perhaps partly mistaken about the fathers never referring to the Bible as "Word of God" but I would not lay money on the issue either way. Regardless it is inconsequential to the issue at hand.

If the fathers did use the term, it does not make Basil's underlying statement untrue, quite the contrary. The AHG SOF nails its authoritative colors to the mast: Sola Scriptura. In my sense of things (as I am teaching my children and as I believe the Church clearly upholds) the "authority" of Scripture is firmly and neccesarily rooted in its relationship with the Church and that to give authority to Scripture (can words in and of themselves wield authority?) without a notion, or any mention at all, of the authority of the Church (which we must recall determined the canon to begin with) is patently absurd.

Cartainly the present divided state of Christendom is ultimately caused by the so called "authoritative Word of God" (Notice how they capitalize the "w" in teh word word? This is telling I think). And, I think if we are to be honest, the term tranlates into each and every individual being an "authoritative Word of God." And therein do we find the most frightening sense of individuality.

Nope, not for my daughters, thank you. It is a Protestant statement of faith which even in its watered down state (the ever present quest for unity via the lowest common theological denominator), cannot escape its own birthmarks.


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