Removing not the Ancient Landmarks

Quite awhile ago, according to the heretical internet calender, Felix and I danced with one another over the topic of Orthodox Traditions and practices. If memory serves it all started with a comment a pomo guru said about being thankful for the Orthodox Church because we have kept alive so many traditions that others might never have known about. Anyway, not to rehash all of that, I promised a written attempt at explaining why we Orthodox Christians do what we do, and furthermore why we are so apprehensive toward changing what we do. At last I have thrown it all together, and while I make no claims that it is well written, concise, or properly organized - it does none-the-less express my sentiment (albeit rather scatterbrained) on the matter. Comments may or may not be warrented, I'll let you the reader decide. But in the end, I hope it can perhaps illumine some who might criticize us for being so "out of date" and archaic for not wanting to change all that much.

Removing not the Ancient Landmarks


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