The Monastic Home
S.F.has an interesting post which tends to focus on the interrelation and comparability of monastic life and seminary life. I don't think anyone could argue that the "goal" of ther monastic, priestly, and layperson's life is the same - the difference is how we move toward that goal.
I myself am more intrigued by the parish/home life and the monastery. We frequently hear about how marriage and vows of celibacy are different roads to the same destination and surely this is true. BUT, should we expect the scenery and terrain of these roads to be identical.
I am sometimes leary of homes or parishes that sometimes try and mimic monastic life too cloesely. When is it too close? I dunno...I guess when it just seems overly odd (hehehe)? One might argue that you can look to the old countries and see how closely parish life models that of the monastic life, but in that regard I am clueless.
I think convert parishes are distinctly vulnerable to "going over the top" and I suspect that we have seen that happen in a couple of cases where Bishops have opted to come down hard on particular parishes. I have a post brewing about convert parishes and the particular problems they tend to face.
It just seems that certain methods and means of seeking salvation do not match well with other styles of life and that mixing the two might be an erroneous apporach. My home is not a monastery, and lucky for the monks and nuns, their monasteries and services are generally devoid of screaming children.
Perhaps someone with a bit more Orthodox experience might shed more light on these thoughts I am having...any cradles out there?


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