And now you know, the REST of the Bible...

Becoming Orthodox offers a sort of "sequel" to the Bible. The so-called Apocrypha or Dueterocanonical books eschewed by protestants are now viewed in a more positive light.
I have taken it upon myself to become more familiar with these texts and it has thus far been a fascinating adevnture.

Now, I am in the midst of I Macabees and despite being rather bloody, it has a tremendous richness to its historical accounts. Besides references to Alexander the Great of Macedonia and his heirs, there is a wonderfully intriguing account of the blossoming Roman Republic and an alliance formed between it and the Jews. It includes the text of the alliance, which to this history geek shall I say...particularly pleasing.

Read it here.


Mimi said…
Unless you came from a RCC background like me, you didn't get a new sequel, just a different Psalm numbering and revised chapters of Kings.
Thomas Ham said…
We've just finished our 2nd week of Family Night covering the "So-Called Apocrypha, the Longer Canon". Father Josiah asked us all to read I, II, III, and IV Maccabees in a week, which I tried to do. I got half way through III Maccabees.

While reading I and II I had wikipedia open looking up people, strategies, places, etc. I loved it!

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