
Curiously enough, I happened to call Rade this weekend while he was diligently utilizing his scythe and duly informed me of their worth.

Looking around my property and then at the disabled weedwacker in the barn, it occurred to me that I might make use of such a thing as well. Goats are great for clearing land, but you find a fair amount of disagreement amongst "the experts" about staking them out. You have to keep an eye out for them as they can get themselves tangled up and injure themselves. Plus there is the issue of predators - in our case during the day it would just be a concern about local dogs. We do have more fencing to do, which would of course eliminate these concerns, someday the whole of our land may be fenced...someday.

Tonight I pulled (i.e. harvested) a host of high growing grass and Firefly devoured it voraciously. And it further occurred to me that a scythe would be a quick and easy way to harvest such grass if we do not feel comfortable staking her or Butter out. (Actually Butter is clearly too young, a delicious morsel for many of our local K9's.)

So...where does one find a scythe?

Well here is the ScythConnection. Note the little "poem" which leads me to wonder if perhaps these folks worship the tool - even I do sympathize with some of their notions :)

But check out their products!

These folks look like they may have better prices. And they lack this frightening picture found at the scythe worshipping website:

"Peace, love, dope, and scything barefooted!" Had no idea Willie did his own yardwork!

Well see...for now I reckon I'll keep the kids busy harvesting for their goats.


Anonymous said…
Hey there my son, we just might happen to have one of those laying around with all the mounds of all our junk. Willard will look and I will get back to you. Love to you guys! Mom B.
fdj said…
Wow that would be cool Ma!
Anonymous said…
Is this picture a foretaste of the future for our beloved James of the Northwest?????

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