Heading Home

My plane leaves here tonight at 10:30pm (12:30pm Seattle time). I should land in Seattle at 2pm Wednesday, God willing. Your prayers are appreciated as I travel.

I am looking very much forward to reacquainting myself with my family and my little farm. Hopefully introducing them to a somewhat changed father and husband. Home...says it doesn't it? At times like this, "There's no place like home" has a very special intensity to it.

Even the thought of seeing Killick is warming my heart. There is nothing at home I have not missed.

Have the grill ready when I get home Sue, I'll cook.


Mimi said…
Travel safely and with my humble prayers.
Safe journey home, James !
Asking the prayers of the Theotokos and St Nicholas for you.
Anonymous said…
Safe journey.

Will you be going to St. John's on Sunday to drop your daughter off?? If so, I will probably run into you there.
Susan Sophia said…
He's home!!!! He traveled for a total of 34 hours from doorstep to doorstep. Slept about 4-5 hours total in that time and then fell asleep at the dinner table!! No kidding!!
I put him to bed at 730pm after he tried desperately to stay awake for a tiny bit...it didn't work.
We are ecstatic he is home! Safe!
Thank you for all your prayers!!!!
Susan Sophia said…
Papa Herman,
It is just I who will be bringing Kelsey Anna to camp.
I look forward to meeting you.

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