Ask Timothy Treadwell

Ask Timothy Treadwell


Anonymous said…
Bear spray, better than both in this situation
fdj said…
Okay, I'll bite. Sure...try the spray first...but I reckon I'll also opt to have quick access to the firearm strapped to my waist. Camera last.
Anonymous said…
So this picture reminded me of my friend Mike, who showed up at my front door a few weeks ago in head to toe cammo. For him, "organic" means he killed it himself (or picked it or grew it). He eats everything he kills, by the way, including the black bear carcass he showed me in the back of his truck. He explained that bear makes great jerky, because it has a high fat content, it is good to mix with elk or deer meat. He unrolled the pelt, which he'll cure and then use as a rug. Mike shot the beer, but he hunts deer and elk with a bow. Mike, by the way, is a wonderful jazz musician and teacher, and typically votes democrat, so he doesn't fit easily into any stereotypes. I have some big city friends who think that killing animals for food is barbaric, but I invite them to visit a Tyson meat packing plant. You want to see barbaric, give it a shot. I did and it forever changed the way I look at meat in the grocery store.

By the way, if I was in the tree, I'd probably be so frightened I would, er, pee on the beer...not on purpose, if you know what I mean....


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