

The other night my wife was measuring me for some vestments we are ordering. Come to find out, I have shrunk. About 1.5" I reckon! What the heck is going on with that?!?!? I can only assume is has to do with my back problems and that the discs are going "bye bye"...but man was that an eye opener.

Additionally, I have begun to abstain from beer during the week. I had decided that for both economic and caloric reasons I needed to cut down on my fine ale consumption. Thus I have only allowed myself to consume during the weekend. Not surprisingly, I am now losing weight too!

A good thing, one would suppose. Unless when entering your lab one morning with your hands full you begin to feel your pants slipping. Unable to put anything down, one then feels said cascade to one's ankles. And then one must scoot their way to a table, unload their stuff, in order to retrieve said pants to their proper location. And then....and ONLY then...does one examine the surroundings to see how many actually saw the event. Thankfully there are benefits to arriving at work very early.

Sometimes I think God allows such things to happen to me in order to remind me of what a goof I truly am. In some ways, my life could be a hit comedy series.


Liz in Seattle said…
Umm, James...they have these newfangled inventions now called Belts...

Congratulations, and thanks for a grin :-)
fdj said…
Belt didn't seem to help...though I did tighten it afterwards

I still got that beer belly thing going and so there is a point where the belt and pants reach enough potential get the picture - unfortunately.

Mimi said…
Heh. I'm glad you got there early.

I've stepped on my elastic waisted skirt, so can relate.

And, congrats on shrinking.
Liz in Seattle said…
What I love is when the KID steps on the elastic wasted skirt. During Divine Liturgy. At the front of the Nave. Now THAT was a close call.
Anonymous said…
Makes you wonder how those kids who 'sag' their pants keep from losing their trousers all together.

Alana said…
nonononono! Once, I was done making a prostration in the front of the nave and I had my heel firmly planted on hem of my elastic waisted skirt, and I mooned pretty much everyone in the room...

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