

A new flock of Reds are shortly on the way. It's a bit of a "risk" in tight times, but we have plenty of egg buyers and not enough eggs. Come late spring we should make up the funds I hope - and if the economy seriously tanks we'll have additional food producers of our own. It will be fun to have a new batch of peeping chicks.

In related news, we have been busily training the pups on the invisible fence. They are certainly getting the hang of it, but aren't quite ready to be completely free.

We're also putting together and executing plans to expand the goats primary paddock along with a new barn entry-exit to get them away from the muddy area that my french drain clearly did not fully eliminate. I'd love to dump about 8 inches of gravel in that whole area - once money allows or a free ad pops up on Craigslist.


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