Look me up...

..if any of you out there are going to be at the Lenten Retreat hosted
by St. John the Forerunner Monastery on April 1st-3rd. Look for the fat,
shaved-headed, giant goateed guy looking confused.

My wife spent last weeknend there and returned with some really cool
experiences to share. One that I thought particularly encouraging was
when she asked to speak to the abbess and through a translator at one
point in the conversation was told not to worry too much about her
spiritual advancement in the art of prayer beause, after all, you are
still a "baby Orthodox."

I can deal with that title.


Christina said…
I met your wife at the monastery over the weekend. I am one of the women from Portland who had a little boy with me (I went with a friend from my parish and we took our almost three year old little boys... interesting, to say the least). Tell your wife hello from me (my name is christina and my son's name is Pavlos... he was the blond little boy who kept eating his toothpaste:)
Anonymous said…
My friend, Anna, was at Goldendale this past weekend as well... after reading this post (and Christian's comment) I had to email her and ask... and yes- she met Sophia, Christina, Pavlos and Presvytera Miriam!

James- i will not be at the Lenten Retreat though.

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