You had yourself a vision...

The long walk (ok, so it is 10 blocks....try it in freezing rain!) from the bus stop to my lab, often affords me the opportunity to let my imagination run a little wild. I make, nor have I ever made, any pretenses of sanity. I assume this morning's events was simply imagination.

A bus waiting patiently at a nearby stop light as I passed by, bore the typical advertising board. It was a lovely concoction of green and red christmas presents, sponsored by The Bon Marche', and it read: "Give." Of course it meant "Buy" but let us not bicker and argue about who killed who it. Anyway, imagine my suprise to see Jesus running over and beating the steaming tar out of this sign with a parking meter he'd pulled right out of the cement sidewalk (just like Neo! Wow, Jesus is so cool...even without the dark sunglasses....speaking of which, what is this thing called "sun"?)

Boy was He pissed...I heard Him shout: "It is written, "My fast shall be called a time of prayer, self-examination, repentence, abstinence, and almsgiving, 'but you have made it a 'den of perpetual indulgence."'

YEAH! Kick some American Materialistic butt Jesus!

The delightfulness of my little vision took an ugly turn when Jesus stopped and looked at me.

"How many ways have you profaned this sacred time James?"


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