
Now you may say that it is the Orthodox connection, but I suspect there is more to this Serb's easy ability to assimilate to Alaskan life.

Wanna bet there's plum brandy in a travel mug sitting in the cab of that truck?


Anonymous said…
What? The Yugo froze up?
Anonymous said…
No, the Yugo is fine, it simply lacks four-wheel drive. If I were up here during the summer time I would have considered bringing the Yugo, as I'm sure it would be possibly the first Yugo to drive the Alcan.
There is nothing like a tot of plum brandy to take the edge of those dark, -30F winter nights. Though I've also taken to mixing up a pitcher of grog (to Royal Navy standards) and keeping it in the fridge.
The parka I'm wearing in the picture belonged to my father, he bought it in 1964 when he travelled to Alaska to work for the Air Force. A practical family heirloom.
Thanks for posting the picture James!
Anonymous said…
My guess would be there is something more powerfull than brandy in the truck judging by the NRA hat on the dashboard of the truck! (Ruger Redhawk .44 magnum for two and four legged beasts!)
Anonymous said…
Sadly, the best I could come up with in the way of handguns is my Ruger .357. However with hot-loaded 180gr bullets, I've been told it is at least not useless against bears. Personally I'm strongly eyeing the new Ruger Alaskan (A Super Redhawk with the barrel cut down to a mere 2.5" and chambered in .454 Casull), especially since my lady-friend has fallen in love with my .357...
Anonymous said…
With 2.5 inch barrel and .454 casull, Don't catch Your beard on fire with the muzzle flash! ;D.

(Love the .357 by the way!)
Mimi said…
Look at all that snow, very cool!

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