
Some have asked about what exactly we were doing down there in Vegas...well the gist of it as I, a novice in all things, gather is that we the clergy and laity of the Dicoese of the West were giving our "Axios" to who we believed ought to be Bishop for our diocese. Ultimately it is up to the Holy Synod to decide, which everyone expects will indeed be Bishop BENJAMIN.

By the way, here is his "controversial" official picture:

As someone told me recently, according to 19th century Orthodox tradition, official episcopal photos must have the subject appearing as if his hamster has just died.

Here is a pictorial account of the meeting...if you look close you might find my ugly mug in there as well as a few more attractive familiar ones.

There is one picture taken during the Moleben in which Bishop SERAPHIM is "sprinkling" us...alas the picture does not fully communicate the extent of the drenching we all received. There was not a dry upper body in the whole temple.


Susan Sophia said…
i found your handsome mug!
Mimi said…
Great photos. I recognize a lot of mugs!
Anonymous said…
Grinning is not good. Bishops' photos should find the via media between "whoopedoo" and "the cat died."
fdj said…
Now Margi why do you say so?

The other end of the controversy is that Bishop TIKHON has a smirk on his official photo, leading to the joke that he ate the hamster.

There is a time to grin and a time not to. I'm okay with my Bishop smiling for his picture, most of us do.
Huw Richardson said…
That's one of my fave pictures! When I was in SF I was told he was being pressured to change it - glad he has not!

I think many *laity* seem to think they need to look like hamster eaters as well. I'd prefer a bit more joy!

AXIOS to Bp B!
Joshua said…
I got to me him a few years ago up in Kodiak (back before he was an auxiliary bishop). He really is a great guy. Very AXIOS.
Thomas Ham said…
What was with the "delegates" that had the green tags on them?
fdj said…
clergy had one color and laypeople had another. Not sure why, we all got one vote.

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