Missing you already, my old friend...

Might I suggest as a Lenten discipline that you sit back with a set of headphones and just listen to THIS, over and over and over again. Oh, sweet Pascha.


Munkee said…
yeah, yeah.
Munkee said…

With that new pic up, people who don't know you will think they've stumbled upon an Orthodox Jew's site.

btw, my word verif. was viczuzjo, which i believe to be Finnish for "professional horse wrestling".
Anonymous said…
At a past Fair, the beef people gave out meat-smelling car fresheners... I wonder if I tie it under my nose while eating a tofu dinner if my brain will be fooled?
Anonymous said…
btw... i have heard a rumor that i believe is about you, and a certain apron that was given by you to a certain Bishop.

any truth to this rumor???

fdj said…
I would totally buy a "COOKING POT ROAST" air freshener.

I have no idea what you mean by the apron. That *I* gave to a bishop? Alas I do not think it was me.
Anonymous said…
i heard an apron story the last time we had a visit from a certain bishop, but i can't remember the details, except it was very funny

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