Saint Elizabeth

Saint Elizabeth

Well, tomorrow is the feast day for St. Elizabeth, the New least for many of us. I'm still not totally clear on the dating issue, because even the OCA website says her feastday is July 5th. According to Orthodoxwiki "Her feast day is celebrated on July 5 (she was martyred on July 18, according to the New Calendar, which was July 5 on the Old Calendar)"

Fr. C has tried to explain this to me before, but I think I got lost in the details and will have to ask for a review...perhaps the blogosphere can assist me. I know it has something to do with the New Martyrs being celebrated in accord with the Old Calender, or something like that.

But, the day is intended to remind us NOT of the calender problems, but of holiness and how Christ is glorified in His Saints. Most of you likely know St. Elizabeth's story, but a brief little review may be found HERE in this old post of mine from last October. I recall being very impressed in that she was assuredly not a convert of convenience, as one might expect of royalty, but truly did experience a heartfelt, honest, and sometimes difficult journey from Lutheranism to Orthodoxy.

Here is a little video played by children at St. Arseny Orthodox Camp, telling St. Elizabeth's amazing story. It is simple, beautiful, and it is lovingly done.

Holy Saint Elizabeth, pray unto God for us!


Mimi said…
I need to come back and watch the video when I'm not at work, thanks.

Yes, that is what I understand is that even those on the New Calendar commemorate St. Elizabeth and the Holy Passionbearers on the Old Calendar date.
Anonymous said…
But July 5 is not the Old Calendar date, it's actually 13 days prior to when the OC celebrates this feast, right?

- Steve K
Anonymous said…
The Old Calendar is basically (to which there are exceptions) 13 days after many New Calendar Feast/Commemorations.

Yes, some Saints will share a diffrent but the same commemoration date, such as St. John of San Francisco who reposed on July 2 on the Civil Calendar which is June 19 on the Church (Old) Calendar. But then ROCOR commemorates His on the Saturday closest to his commemoration date, this is because St. Jude is also commemorated on June 19 (Old C) and an Apostles is commemorated above a Bishop.

Confused yet??

Our Parish went ROCOR a couple of years back so I have had some time let this play in my head.

It can all get confusing... I celebrate my friends Name Days on the days that their calendar celebrates them on... sometimes giving them an extra shoutout 13 days later on the Old Calendar day too.

Regardless-- God is glorified in His Saints.

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