Now, we are a farm

As I write, we should be acquiring the first living components of our farm. They are actually arriving by mail - believe it or not. Apparently the local Post Office is used to such things (the arrival of live chickens) and will be calling Sue for her to run down right away and pick them up.

Yesterday I got off work early and caught the 3pm ferry home. Once there Sue and I both worked furiously to get the coop ready. She worked on cleaning and filling in holes in structure while I fashioned and hung a door. I thought I was racing against rain, but it never did come. Later that night Sue finished things up by setting up by running the extension cord to power the heat lamp and getting the brooder setup.

I'm anxious to see the little critters...I'm sure they look delicious.

What plans for the weekend? Well, buying the new windows and looking into that downed tree on the northwest side of the property. Hopefully I can pull it out and stock the woodshed. Investing in a chainsaw (my electric one sucks) may be a manly and welcome necessity. Better have Dawn's number readily available if I am going to be using one though.

Might also work on a more permanent electrical solution for the chicken coop.

So now I reckon we can officially call ourselves a farm. Yee Haw!


Anonymous said…
Congrats...farming is a beautiful enterprise. While I quite vividly remember hating picking all manner of crops, watched in horror as momman pig ate my baby pig, and stood in the road for hours once waiting for a cow to move so I could go home (we had a two mile walk from the bus stop to get to our farm), all that doesn't prevent me from looking back at that time fondly, even with the overflowing river that came into our home.

I wish your family well in your new endeavor.

Susan Sophia said…
Hey Chance, I hear you'll be visiting the Pacific Northwest soon! I hope "the farm" is on your list of stops! If so, when will we be blessed by your family's presence?

Can't wait!! Neither can Dawn!!

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