"I have a great dislike for organized religion."

So says Bjorn Atldax, designer of "Cheap Monday" jeans, who claims his product is an "active statement against Christianity." Ah, yes, and a brilliant argument he makes with his inexpensive jeans - very ummm..."active" statement.

Nothing rubs me the wrong way like a cheap pair of jeans except that cute toy statement about organized religion. Ah yes, disorganized religion is a beautiful thing, isn't it? People like this usually, I think, are just throwing up a strawman (because let's face it, the world these days - even amongst many christians - have been brainwashed to be distrustful of "organized" Christian denominations) and so it is a socially easy target. But when you get past the fashion philosophy you find that they usually have disdain for the Christian faith - however skewed (or not) that they understand it.

I actually had to look hard to find the anti-Christian message (note the upside down cross on the skull), because once you've been Orthodox for awhile you get rather used to seeing skulls - protrayed in icons, or as real relics, or simply stacked neatly in monasteries.

Come on Bjorn, you are going to have to do better than a skull on a pair of jeans! We Orthodox are supposed to LIKE being reminded of death.


Anonymous said…
Nice picture...very similar to the one I took of that very room. One of the major highlites of our honeymoon in Greece.

As for the pants...shrug.

fdj said…
"One of the major highlites of our honeymoon"

Speaks rather well to the pants I should think.
Anonymous said…
Another point to make is that if you prefer disorganized religion, then Orthodoxy is a perfect fit. We're about as "organized" as the dirty clothes hamper.
Thomas Ham said…
Beautiful photo. Lame Swedes! I wonder if they ever brought them out here (them being Blue Mondays) how they'd sell.
fdj said…
Of course, I cannot resist asking how many people do you suppose would have died in riots or how soon before Bjorn would feel the need to hire an armed body guard had the jeans been an "active statement" against a particular other faith tradition?

But, I digress...the jeans are significant in that they gain news and are just another sign of the target painted on the Christian faith - likely the only religion that is both PC and safe to insult.

Though I hear South Park might have gone too far. Having read about the episode, I almost wish we could issue death fatwahs too.
Meg said…
I'm reminded of Dana Netherton's sig line (late of the Convert list): "I'm not a member of any organized religion, I'm Eastern Orthodox." So Bjorn Whateverhisfaceis should fit right in.

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