After you die you don't go to heaven... go to the World of Warcraft. And then your parents sue the game maker.

The real surprise in this story is that the boy isn't from America, he's from China! So you see, the notion of personal and parental responsibility is vanishing worldwide. This boy played the game for 36 HOURS straight! Dad?

No doubt these games can be terribly addictive, becoming a "reality" in and of themselves - especially if we perceive our "real" reality as being worth avoiding to begin with. But to blame the game maker? Truly, this represents the pinnacle of the all misplaced blame lawsuits.

A boy is now dead, and we are missing the point entirely.


Mimi said…
May his Memory be Eternal.
Anonymous said…
whenever something like this happens (columbine.natalie holloway etc.) I alway ask:"Where were/are the Parents?" I guess the chinese are learning from us how to have a dis- functional family like in the USA.

Lord,Heal our nation,and our families. Amen, Amen,Amen.

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