Ancient Agreements

Clifton brings up some interesting "Laws" originating from here.

I find this one to be particularly compelling:
When Orthodoxy and Catholicism agree on something over against Protestantism, Protestantism loses.

But I'd go back even further to older schisms that still exist today: Take the Coptic Orthodox, or the Armenian Orthodox? Where all four agree on issues, protestants ought to stand up and take notice. Iconography, Reverence of Mary, Scripture/Tradition, hierarchy are but a few.

Ahhh...but we will of course need to address our differences. Go ahead, but I think you'll find that most (perhaps even all) of the Protestant complaints laid against the Orthodox faith and practice can also be leveled against and bounce off ANY of the Ancient Churches that still exist today.


ImperialPunk said…
Except that you forget that Paul, Augustine, and "all" the Fathers of the Early Church were Calvinists/Monergists and "Solo Scripturists" before the eeevil Church of Rome corrupted

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