Avoiding The World Wide Cupola Controversy

Or, alternatively The Onion Dome of Jihadic Doom!

At the back of the nave at St. Elizabeth you can just see (if you are tall enough) the pinnacle of a good sized silver cupola. It was found for sale by a parishioner who was in Indonesia and they bought it and brought it back in the hopes that some day it can used by the Parish. Of course, a blemish had to be removed first...a crescent shaped item was found atop of the dome - for some reason - but it was easily removed. I suggest it ought to be replaced with a cross akin to the one seen on the center dome here (regardless of whether the Tartars had gotten or have yet to get this far west):

Anyway...word hasn't got out yet to the press much, so hopefully we can avoid any bloodshed. However, I heard rumors that Newsweek was going to report that the crescent had been flushed down a toilet - but that's not likely since we all know better over here than to treat our septic systems that way.

All in good fun folks, relax. I doubt anyone will be beheaded over it.


Anonymous said…
What am I gonna do James if I see a armada of taxi cabs driving down Harrison next sunday!!??

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