Mother of the Year Award

I realize I am by no means qualified to give this award out, but this one just seems too obvious.

Mom is proud of 9 year old car thief, future special guest star on "COPS", runaway, and airline ticket thief.

"He just showed me that, Mom, 'I'm going to achieve anything I want to do. I'm going to just do it.' So he did it, from driving a car to getting on an airplane," said Sakinah Booker

Brilliant Mom, I'm sure your little prince will take your reinforcement of this attitude with him straight into the corrections department.


Mimi said…
Yeah, I rolled my eyes at that.
Anonymous said…
whistiling past the grave yard, I'm sure.

Anonymous said…
What's up with:

1) Mom is proud that her son showed that he can achieve anything... by his stunt.

a n d t h e n

2) "lawyer, Brett Purtzer, said the mother was considering a lawsuit against Southwest Airlines."
fdj said…
ph....astonishing isn't it? Is there any hope for our society?????

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