A "Classless, crass, and deplorable stunt"

In regards to the exposure of Janet Jackson's breast, FCC chief Michael Powell said
"Like millions of Americans, my family and I gathered around the television for a celebration. Instead, that celebration was tainted by a classless, crass and deplorable stunt."

You know, I got very little sleep last night and I find myself to be highly irritable, thus this post is just a precursor of what will come later. I'm pissed. Pissed, not because I saw Janet's boob, but because the whole damn halftime show was not considered "a classless, crass, and deplorable stunt."

Yes, the world was watching and we have given them a taste (once again) of what American culture is all about. Ahhh, yes, imagine the picturesque scene of an American family gathered around the television to "celebrate" with the SuperBowl. Up until the breast exposure incident, were we really witnessing a "celebration"? A celebration of WHAT?!?!

Our groins. Frankly, the Islamic world has reason to be afraid of what we are selling. I recall hearing a proposal about 6 months ago to begin broadcasting MTV into the Middle East, I guess as a means of helping them to appreciate the fun they can have with exported americana. Utterly brilliant.

God bless America!


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