She blinded me with Science

Steve wonders aloud about science and faith.

I think the tension is in how they view the world - The scientist believes what he sees, the man of faith believes the self revelation of God, whether he perceives it or not. James, are the two mutually exclusive? or have you come to understand science as the exploration of the created world?

I don't think the two are mutually exclusive, though they can be at odds the minute "science" becomes "scientism". What do I mean?

When science becomes the interpretive lens through which we believe that all that there is may be discerned and understood. In other words, that these five senses we have are the only means of interacting with and comprehending the world. This mindset is in truth a metaphysical belief system of profound audacity and requires a great deal of faith...hmmmm

Jesus said that the "pure in heart" shall see God. Sceince has no understanding of the heart beyond being a muscle for the pumping of blood through the body, let alone being able to discern what "pure" might be.

Purification, Illumination, and Theosis...what can science tell us of such things? What room is there in science to discover the nous or to cultivate its sense of the Divine? I firmly believe that there is a plane of being where science is very much a "fish out of water" and the bane of our society will be the ever increasing belief that there is no such place.


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