...things left undone...

Long overdue...make sure your pay Arielle a visit who claims "she could never be a saint, but..." To which I would simply offer that anyone who has babysat my children and lived to tell the tale, well don't tell me he or she could never be a saint.

And to show that I am a modern, sensitive man, I threw caution to the wind and took the "What historic woman are you" quiz.

Take the quiz:
What Historic Woman Are You?

Deborah Sampson
This woman is amazing. During the American Revolution, she disguised herself as a male soldier and ran off to fight against the British. After she was found out by the great General Henry Knox, she was given an honorable discharge and a pension from the military for her brave work. You are strong, loyal, and always fight for what you believe in. Go you. Learn more about Deborah!

Honestly, the only question I felt totally confident in answering was the one in which I laid claim to "Ale and Meat." So hopefully Deborah was hip to that, as a disguised soldier one would expect she could at least fake it on this point.


Anonymous said…
Hee hee - thanks James!

I fear people don't see the subtitle, which only shows up on my userinfo - the whole title is "she could never be a saint, but she thought she could be a martyr if they killed her quick." Gotta love Flannery O'Connor.

And way to be a man and take the ladies quiz!
Mimi said…
I'm also Deborah Sampson.

Arielle left me a message on my Blog that she may attend Holy Resurrection sometimes, I'm looking forward to meeting her!
Anonymous said…
I got some half crazed queen of Ireland.

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