...things left undone...
Long overdue...make sure your pay Arielle a visit who claims "she could never be a saint, but..." To which I would simply offer that anyone who has babysat my children and lived to tell the tale, well don't tell me he or she could never be a saint.
And to show that I am a modern, sensitive man, I threw caution to the wind and took the "What historic woman are you" quiz.
What Historic Woman Are You?
Deborah Sampson
This woman is amazing. During the American Revolution, she disguised herself as a male soldier and ran off to fight against the British. After she was found out by the great General Henry Knox, she was given an honorable discharge and a pension from the military for her brave work. You are strong, loyal, and always fight for what you believe in. Go you. Learn more about Deborah!
Honestly, the only question I felt totally confident in answering was the one in which I laid claim to "Ale and Meat." So hopefully Deborah was hip to that, as a disguised soldier one would expect she could at least fake it on this point.
I fear people don't see the subtitle, which only shows up on my userinfo - the whole title is "she could never be a saint, but she thought she could be a martyr if they killed her quick." Gotta love Flannery O'Connor.
And way to be a man and take the ladies quiz!
Arielle left me a message on my Blog that she may attend Holy Resurrection sometimes, I'm looking forward to meeting her!