Gladsome Light

And elderly Serbian woman at St. Sava Church on the feast day of St. Lazar and the 618th anniversary of the Battle of Kosovo. A battle, the results of which still haunt the region to this day and for the foreseeable future.


Bluecanopy said…
Happy birthday to you, acclaimed outdoorsman, farmer, handyman, guest house builder, bat trapper, chemist, father and husband. (I'm sure there are lots more).

Hope you have a good day...and many years!
Bluecanopy said…
Oh wait...make that acclaimed bat attracter.
fdj said…
:) [tipping hat] Much obliged, mam.
Liz in Seattle said…
Bat attractor? Does this mean Sue should be jealous?

Many years, proto-Reader!
Mimi said…

Happy, Happy Birthday! Many Years!
Anonymous said…
Prior to my first visit to St. Herman's Monastery in Platina, CA I had never heard of St. Lazar.

But during my time at St. Herman's that changed. During my stay was the time when St. Lazar was commemorated and they held a vigil and celebrated his Feast day.

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