Now look here...

Jesus did not come to redeem corporations. He did not die and rise from the dead to save sinful businesses from bankruptcy or government restrictions.

Maybe if we were more concerned with changing people's hearts than with changing corporate policy we'd start seeing a greater abandonment of consumerism. Not that I can preach...but ya know. I'm weary of people preaching to corporations. I suppose it's the old fashioned conservative capitalist in me that says "let the market decide" such that if you change the desires of the consumer you will change the market. Seems to me, THAT was more of the sort of thing Jesus would do than (even if half in jest) to exorcise the home office of a business giant.


Meg said…
The "salvation of capitalists" has been a concern of mine for over 40 years, since my Wall Street days. (Yes, I actually did work in the vicinity of Wall Street -- 6 World Trade Center, to be exact.) Not so much saving them *from* themselves, but more like, "Everybody worries about the Poor and Marginalized, but what about the souls of businessmen -- are they somehow less important?" Idon'tthinkso. My point is, it should be possible for a businessman to remain in business and still exercise his "rights" as a child of God, which could only be good for business in the long run, and, of course, ultimately for a society that -- face it, Lefties -- was built on capitalism, and continues to function best in that environment.

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