Outdoor Boys

Sara posted a blog about a couple of books, one of which is about kids needing to be outdoors more. In the comments on that post, Lauren mentions a cook called The Dangerous Book for Boys.

And what do I find during my semi-regular perusing of The Weekly Standard? THIS hilarious article on this very same book...READ it. And, I would say READ the book...though it would seem both editions (British and English) are in order. Leaving out Catapults?!?!? And what, Lord Nelson replaced by the Wright Brothers?!?!

You have got to LOVE this advice to boys with regard to girls: If you see a girl in need of help--unable to lift something, for example--do not taunt her. Approach the object and greet her with a cheerful smile, whilst surreptitiously testing the weight of the object. If you find you can lift it, go ahead. If you can't, try sitting on it and engaging her in conversation.

LOL! Brilliant!


Susan Sophia said…
My mom was listening to the radio last week she emailed me this morning and told me she heard a conversation going on about "kids now days being too glued to TV and their electronic stuff - I did not get the whole conversation so I sent the station an email and asked how I could get their whole conversation - I got a reply back from Don Shelby (WCCO-channel 4) himself - the only thing he said was 'read the book- The Last Child In The Woods by Richard Louv.!"

The whole title (which I put on hold at the library) is called Last child in the woods : saving our children from nature-deficit disorder.
fdj said…
Isn't this book the one Sara was talking about?

I'd be interested in checking it out...and while I will TRY and reserve judgment (good luck), if it was lauded on NPR, I wonder if this book will swing toward the "outdoorsmen" style of being "in nature" or the "environmentalist, in tune with nature" style. I suspect the latter, but who knows, maybe there'll be a balance.
Susan Sophia said…
yes, it's the one sara talked about. i realized that after i commented here.
Liz in Seattle said…
Brendan won't put it down. He took it over to the Kitsap today to share with John. Look out world!

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