Phantom of the Chicken Coop

Once in awhile Sue will assign me to the task of bedding down the chickens. It's a job I am able to accomplish because in its totality it involves closing and locking their little door that leads to their run.

Upon arriving, one finds that all 23 birds are neatly bedded down on their roosts, stacked together like....well...stacked together like keys on a two tiered organ. Having completed my primary task I will often call out, "Good night ladies!" And they will actually respond with a collecting of noises peculiar to chickens and perhaps T-Rex's.

However, if you have time to spare, you can also position yourself in front of this two tiered poultry organ and play it. For you see if you but lightly tough any of these birds they will, without fail, respond with a little litany of their humorous percolating chirps and gurgles. And so with a bit of swift hand movement, one can create a wonderful symphony of poultrified noise. Since they all sleep in the same spot, I suspect that with practice I can soon be playing some recognizable tunes.


Liz in Seattle said…
May I suggest "Hot Cross Buns," that perennial beginner favorite?

After that, of course, you'll actually be able to play "Good Night, Ladies."

I stand in awe. I've never actually been able to play the chicken coop. Although, coming from a musical family and being a budding ornithologist, you might ask Jacob McG. for some tips...
Anonymous said…
Have you ever read 'Book of the Dun Cow'?

Okay, truth be told I haven't -- but my wife has, and she told me that one of the chickens in the story does Compline.

When we had a pet chicken, we named her Pearl after the Compline Chicken in BotDC.

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