
Last night my daughter frightfully and tearfully called out to me saying that a big bug was on Patch (the cat). Sure enough, Patch had a tick just inside his ear.

Now I know that since living in the woods this was a possibility, but really, I've not seen a tick since I was in eastern Kentucky...heck I don't recall ever seeing them in Ohio and I certainly never saw any in California or the burbs of greater Seattle. But rest assured, western Washington has ticks. Now this means three things:

1. I cannot skimp on cheap copy cat versions of "Frontline."
2. Kids will need to have a once over after a day of romping through the woods.
3. I can now honestly try this pickup line song on my wife:

I'd like to see you out in the moonlight
I'd like to kiss you way back in the sticks
I'd like to walk you through a field of wildflowers
And I'd like to check you for ticks

Now that's classy, man. (Cut me some slack people...how COULD I resist?)


Susan Sophia said…
I have to admit that the melody is catchy, I like the MUSIC...but as far as songs go...it is by far one of the stupidest songs I've ever heard, "tongue-in-cheek" or not.

Sorry, babe, won't work for me.
Munkee said…
James, you can check me for ticks.

I've had a tick latch on to me once and we burned it out...ouch.
Liz in Seattle said…
Maybe you could have a LOG meeting, where you frolicked through the woods, and then checked...oh, never mind...
I agree that the tune is a catchy one, and I like most Paisley songs.

But . . .

My wife absolutely *hates* this song. So, there's no enjoying it for me.

(Still, it is kinda funny!)
Munkee said…
fdj said…
Liz...what happens at the League, stays at the league. Don't ask, don't tell.
Mimi said…
Someone mentioned those lyrics on my "good songs, bad lyrics" post recently. Ewwwwwww.

Ticks, yuck.

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